Life is about making a mark. Experimenting. Getting Dirty.

Friday, June 25, 2010


I have the sudden urge to take a scissor to all my clothing.

Off to another country in, what is it, 3 days? Colombia, here I come. Procrastinating is a forte of mine, so I will probably end up throwing anything that looks good into a duffel and rushing out of the house. I think i'll miss American food, American friends, American Music, and most of all, American boys.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


(Erin Wasson for RVCA)

I may need a job, my funds are becoming quite low, and all I have to show for it are several cardigans. Oh, and all silver jewelry. I need some variation, but I would need money for that. And we're back to square one. It's a vicious circle, isn't it?

It's summer! Time to stop eating.
Problem is, i enjoy food.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Just saying.

Old and gray

(Tiffany Square, bamboo and Heart rings)

I just realized that i have the inability to keep my nails fully painted for more than 45 minutes.
Probably going to start doing that on purpose, i find it sexy. Don't you agree?

Going back to nostalgia, candy necklaces is back on my list!!
i'm pretty sure they're not supposed to go on your head, but it stops me from consuming it.

I'm feeling a video coming on, so get ready to hear my trademark "man voice".
It's kind of embarrassing.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I need a camera.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Just got a BIG package in the mail, which included a Gorgeous belt (which i doubt you can see),
a nautical themed cardigan, and several pieces of jewelry that just so happen to wrap around my body in an anaconda-esque way

Lemme just address the word "cardigan" quick. We need to call them "sexy-shorter cousin of sweaters". It's a bit long, but it doesn't remind of old ladies in yarn stores.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


(Ray-bans, random jewelry)
These rubber animal bracelets reminisce of past kid obsessions such as tamagotchis, and snap bracelets. and this "C" one has found its home!! Ray bans are my official "safety blanket" for the month, meaning i don't feel complete or safe unless these mirrored lenses are located somewhere on my person. I have taken to wearing them at night. Adds to the mystery.

Book burning commencing right after finals. Screw school i am soo ready to kick off this summer. 91% humidity really does do a number on my hair. Or after today, should i say afro. Honestly, hot-as-fuck classrooms and I do NOT mix.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


(Vintage sweater, Dolce & Gabbana heels)
Haven't washed my hair in 4 days, i heard it's healthier, but absolutely gross. It has inspired new hairstyles though! I'm off women's clothing, and onto wearing my dads (clean) boxers.
I know i'm not the only one who lounges around my house in heels. which reminds me, and quick fix to pesky blisters? they are so not conducive to a short person's plans.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So, i'm goin out.....and thats about it. Just a quick update before I head out.
here's a morsel of advice I picked up, and felt like sharing: Nobody cares! Shut up with your hour long stories that I don't give a shit about.
I'm in a bad mood, and i think it shows.........

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Men are from mars

Have to find massive tye dye scarf. Possibly going to wear that.....ALL summer long!
Just bought gorg eye mask, pictures coming soon.
Inconsistency is the only work i've kept up with recently, so be sure to keep checking for my sporadic posts. Yay, I used "sporadic" in a coherent sentence. Thank you, Clueless

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Do not replicate

Being grounded sure does suck. But sneaking onto to computers, now that's the shit.
Here's something that makes me happy on raging friday nights, while I'm stuck at home.
Gotta love Knoxville

Monday, April 12, 2010

I am NOT a WHORE. But I like to do it

A friend sent me this picture, knowing I would practically pee my pants when I saw it. He was so right!
This has to be the most useful prom dress for prom night.........
And by the way, don't you love drowning your sorrows in straight up vanilla frosting? Me too.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

They fear you but no no keep moving I cannot be feared

(floor length black dress, some random scarf)
A day out in the city
I did standout, even in NYC
I used teen vogue as an inspiration, as well as the colors slashed on my hand from a trip to Sephora the previous day

The Masked Avenger

These beauties are right out my top comic books.
Fuck how tall are those Guissepe's??????????
I need the boost
and just the shoe in general.
I'd rather go naked than not wear these.
BTW, anyone know where to find inexpensive yet totally awesome everyday dresses???
spring shopping awaits

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pants Optional; Pumps necessary

Yes, i'm short. The average height of an American female is 5'4".
Suck on that bitches!!!! Even if i wasn't vertically challenged I would rock these hot McQueens, or these throwback Miu miu's.